
Best Selling Emerson Knives

Emerson Knives Inc. is a company that manufactures high quality knives. The company has started from a humble beginning and now it is considered as one of the most well-known manufacturers of quality knives. Emerson knives have been featured in films, books and been even brought to space. These knives are used not only in the U.S. military but also in other nations’ military forces. Emerson knives are also in demand for knife collectors. These knives are combat-ready and highly durable.

Ernest Emerson was born in Wisconsin. He was raised as a craftsman and farmer. He became interested in a Filipino martial art involving the use of a knife. In 1978, he was able to create his own knife from scratch. The knife was called balisong, this is used in the Filipino martial art that he is studying. From then on, he has become so committed to making quality knives.

Best Selling Emerson Knives in Amazon

Emerson Knives Inc. was founded by Emerson and his wife, Mary in February 1996. They began to produce quality knives in a large scale. After a few years, their venture succeeded, and their products became so in demand for collectors and the U.S. military. Emerson Knives manufactures mainly folding knives that are used in tactical operations. These knives are designed especially to be used for combat operations. The most commonly used models of Emerson Knives include SARK, Karambit, CQC-7, SPEC War and the Raven. Most Emerson Knives feature the Wave: a hook found on the opposite of the blade. This allows the knife blade to open easily as the knife is drawn.


Other common models of Emerson Knives include La Griffe, dragger and the Police Utility Knife. These models are created with fixed blades. Emerson Knives Inc. also produces custom knives. These knives usually contain the company logo, model number including the date and the serial number. The materials used in manufacturing Emerson Knives are extremely durable. These include titanium and steel. Military and police forces are the primary market of Emerson Knives Inc. Knife collectors are secondary market.

There are a lot of options that you can choose from when it comes to Emerson Knives. These knives are all of high quality and are proven to be extremely durable.