dog training supplies

Top 10 Dog Training Supplies

Do you know what kind of equipment you’re going to need for dog training? This is a tricky question and you may be thinking that the list would be quite long. But that’s certainly not the case, as you can start dog training with limited number of items. In fact, you’ll be able to train better with small number of toys and training equipment.

However, what’s more important than toys, is a knowledge about which toy should be included at what stage. That is only possible when you undergo any of the canine trainer certification programs offered by reputable training institutes. With the help of dog trainer certification programs, you’ll be able to identify the motivating tools you should deploy in dog training.

Let’s move on to the top 10 supplies used in dog training

1. Dog Treats

Dog treats are the major component of positive reinforcement of dogs. You can use dog treats in Clicker training. Treats keep dogs motivated and enthusiastic, and they are the best way to reward your pet for exhibiting good behavior.

2. Clicker

It is a small device that can be fitted in a hand and used to make clicking sound. When your dog exhibits good behavior you can appreciate it with the clicking sound. This is known as clicker training, and it is quite fast as well.

3. Dog Crate

With the help of crates, you can teach your dog how to confine himself in a safe place. By confining your dog in a crate, you can show him that you don’t like his response on a particular command. It’ll help him learn quickly though.

4. Harness or Collar

Dog harness and collar is essential for training and holding identification. Different types of collars and harnesses are available in the market and you have to choose them according to the training method. With canine trainer certification, you’ll be able to differentiate between different collars and choose the right one for right training.

5. Treat Pouch

Treat pouch is a must-have item in dog training, especially at the initial part of training. You have to use the treats with proper timing; a little negligence will favor the dog and he’ll run away with all the treats. With the help of treat pouch, you can carry your treats and motivate your dog to perform desirable actions.

6. Dog Leash

Leashes are another important dog training items. Your dog needs to learn a lot before finally walking with the loose leash.

7. Dispensing Toys

Kongs and Buster Cubes are the most common treat dispensing toys, that are used to prevent digging and destructive chewing among dogs.

8. Calming Aids

For fearful dogs, you are going to need calming aids, such as Thundershirt, in order to deal with anxiety issues.

9. Chew Toys

Chew toys are like dispensing toys. They help reduce destructive chewing in dogs. These items can be chewed and have no side effects.

10. Videos and Books

You can learn modern trainings through videos and books. You can also learn to resolve behavioral issues in dogs and things that can motivate them to exhibit good behavior.